Jan (1950) en Peter (1960) Verstraaten decide, after the death of their father on 2005 April 13, to release the left behind book. The orginal reports are according to the last wish of their father given to the War Museum Bronbeek in Arhem, the Netherlands.
The book has been released in October 2008 at publischer "Walburg Pers:
The first edition has been sold out. The second edition can be ordered on-line, see Ordering below.>/p>
You can order the book at your local bookstore (use the ISBN as a reference) or via several internet book stores. The first edition of the book has been sold out. De second edition can be ordered via Printing On Demand (POD) via the publischer Walburg Pers directly. The layout has been changed slightly. The picture on the right shows the layout of the second edition.
If you like to react please send a mail to jverstraaten@kpnmail.nl
On 11th September 2009 at 11:00 hours the orginal trunk was handed over to Colonel J.C.L. Bolderman, commander of the Royal House for retired Military and Museum Bronbeek by both the sons Peter and Jan Verstraaten.