De Mijn

Eye Witness

POW in the Dutch Indies and Japan

Written by Ton Verstraaten


Ooggetuige [en:Eye Witness] -  Het Dagboek [en: Diary] van Ton Verstraaten

This website is about the diary of Ton Verstraaten written during his stay in Dutch Indies in the period 1938-1948. During this period has was detained as POW by the Japanese Military.

The Dutch title of the book can be translated into Englisch as "Eye Witness - The Diary of Ton Verstraten. The book has been released in the Dutch language and no translation into any foreign language persists nor has been planned at this moment.

At this moment an introduction of the book in Englisch is being constructed for this website.

If you like to contact me about any inquiry you could send a postal mail to:
Dhr. J. Verstraaten
Roerdomp 36
7423 CW Deventer
The Netherlands

You can also send an email to: